
Lyra Financial Wealth AB is a company registered in Sweden with corporate identity number 556814-3845. The registered address is Sibyllegatan 17, 114 42 Stockholm, Sweden.

Lyra Financial Wealth AB is regulated by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (www.fi.se).

Lyra takes measures to ensure that the information and material displayed on this website are correct and up to date. However, omissions and mistakes can occur, and users should not automatically assume that the material and information are accurate. Lyra reserves the right to change the information provided on this website without prior notice.

Links to other websites or references to other products, services or publications do not mean that Lyra recommends the products or services that may be provided on or via such websites. The use of links is at your own risk, and Lyra disclaims all liability for the content, use and availability of such websites. Lyra has not verified the accuracy, reasonableness, credibility or completeness of the information provided on such other websites.

Lyra accepts no liability for any loss that may occur if you visit a website via a link on this website.

The information and material on this website are provided as general examples of Lyra and the services offered. The information and material here are not intended to create and do not create any business relationship, contractual relationship or employment relationship.

Investments involve risks, including possible loss of capital. Special risks need to be taken into consideration in connection with the strategy of value investing, international investment (including in emerging markets) and investing in small companies. Previous results are no guarantee of future price estimates or performance. Lyra does not and cannot guarantee future results or recommended investments. Investment entails a high level of risk and volatility.

As per the confidentiality requirements in Swedish law (Chapter 1, Sections 11 and 12–14, of the Swedish Securities Market Act (2007: 528) on duty of confidentiality, duty of disclosure, prohibition of communication and liability), the employees of Lyra Financial Wealth AB are subject to confidentiality.

Our clients provide us with sensitive private data, and our policy strictly prohibits the disclosure of this data to any other party, except when required by law or specifically authorised by our client.

Copyright Lyra. All rights reserved. All content on this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, audio clips, logos, photos and data summaries, is the property of Lyra and its subsidiaries or its suppliers and is protected by Swedish and international copyright laws. The pages on this website may be used only for personal, informational and non-commercial purposes.